Rhubarb-Leaf-PoisoningIngestion of rhubarb leaves produces a variety of rhubarb-leaf-poisoning symptoms. This is because of the substance called oxalate found in these toxic-leaves.
It is said that a phenomenal amount of rhubarb leaves would have to be consumed to make a person sick. And, it does seem to be common knowledge throughout the general population that only the stalks of the rhubarb plant can be eaten. Noticeably, rhubarb stalks arrive at marketplaces with the leaves hacked off beforehand. However, for those who are unaware, the leaves contain poisonous oxalates that are absorbed into the bloodstream and cause damage, and I don't think it is a good idea to tempt fate! Crystal-oxalates can cause severe damage to kidneys. Symptoms of oxalate poisoning can include vomiting, nausea, difficulty in breathing, burning throat, stomach pain, diarrhea and seizures. Extreme cases can lead to the above mentioned kidney damage and kidney stones and some cases can be fatal though rare. If such a condition is suspected, contact Poison Control or better yet, get to a hospital emergency department. They will monitor all vital signs and perhaps induce vomiting and then medicate to treat the symptoms. Most people know better than to consume rhubarb leaves. Animals however are unpredictable and your pet can display some of the same symptoms from rhubarb-leaf-poisoning.
These symptoms can be displayed in the form of excessive salivation, vomiting, staggering, obvious abdominal pain and actual convulsions. There are instructions available on how to induce vomiting in a case of animal poisoning by giving spoonfuls of syrup of ipecac or a combination of hydrogen peroxide and water at certain intervals. This is to prevent the quick travel of the oxalates to the bloodstream. If you think you can accomplish this with your pet, then it is an option for you.
I'm not sure I could or would want to attempt it myself. Animals are unpredictable at the best of times and can quickly bite especially when so distressed. I think getting your pet to the Veterinarian as quickly as possible is the best course of action if any type of plant poisoning is suspected. And, we all just want the best for our pets.
Listen to the opinion of one Vet in regard to toxic-plants
and other toxins around your garden.
Definately educate your children about the hazards of certain plants, and remember how they can harm your pets.
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